Muffin Man
The Muffin Mans color scheme is monochromatic. Brown is a very neutral color. It isn't too vibrant, yet isn't completely dull. I chose to go with a brown monochrome theme because j felt that it would keep him very uniformed. Also, given that he is a muffin, the color options were sorts of limited and I felt that brown was a nice, simple color. He isn't too bold and distracting. Also, I chose the monochrome-brown because brown (and it's hues) are mellow and warm; very much like his personality.
The Muffin Man is very square in shape (despite the large muffin-top, angled lower portion of his body, and abnormally thin arms and legs...). The square shape was used because it gives the illusion that he is very balanced, and well roundedness. All sides of him are equal; metaphorically symbolic of his character. He is a genuine good guy, ad do whatever it takes to help a fellow muffin in time of need.
We chose to Muffin Man in an area with a lot of light. He has no shadows and is in the forefront of the frame. This was done to show that the Muffin Man is a very pure, innocent, naive muffin. It also shows that he is ambitious, and everything in front of him has a bright future. When times get tough, he doesn't let it bring his spirits down; he instead looks for ways he can improve the situation. He is goal oriented, and nothing will get in his way.
Gary that Garlic Godfather
Gary's color scheme is analogous. We chose to use the colors yellow and green. Yellow, because garlic (in general) has a yellowish hue; but also because studies have shown that yellow makes viewer feel nauseous. Since Gary's character is a repulsive character, it is only appropriate to be matched with a nasty color. We also chose to surround Gary with a green haze. This was used for two reasons: 1. Green is generally used to show something that smells (and garlic definitely smells). 2. The green, when paired with the yellow, creates a bold appearance. You can't help but notice this clove of garlic.
Gary is positioned in front of dark alley backdrop. This gives the audience the illusion that Gary is up to no good (why else would he be loitering in a dark alley?). We also chose the backdrop because there was a street light in the distance, which casts a nice shadow over Gary. This shadow makes Gary appear shady, and up to no good.
Gary is triangular in shape. There wasn't much thought given into the shape of Gary, because garlic cloves are generally triangular in shape. However, we were able to play around with the design of his "triangle" and were able to shape it in a certain way to match his villainous personality. The triangle shape w exaggerated to create a dramatic and visually noticeable look. Being an his length is long and narrow giving him a gawky, awkward appearance.
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